Monday 15 December 2008

A letter to the leaders of the world

Dear tyrants,

I am not buying your inefficient vehicles operating on dinosaur fart, investing in

your "out of thin air" funds, use your enslaving monetary system and pay "taxes" on

made up mediums and reading your brain-numbing media. I REFUSE to watch TV, eat junk

food, believe in your imaginary stories of superstition. I even refuse to beathe in

the poison you call "good old air".

I and all humans like myself or not alike, are not to be lead by, made dependent,

bound onto, made to kill one another, made to swear, attack, hurt, compete and

insult one another no more.

WE ARE HUMANS for truth's sake, YOU ARE NOT to SCARE us no more, talking about so

called "terrorism" to terrorise our limited space of freedom thanks to you, to tell

us that we should fear one another, the killers and robbers and perverts are amongs

our own people, and that we need your governments to feel safe. THERE IS NO

terrorism besides the media, there ARE no real men with beards flying planes on

skyscrapers besides those that are your men, and you know it, and there is only

military and those that train others to kill one another as ordered, and there is no

free will involved in none of the mass violance that happen, and human is not made

to be aggressive in nature, and YOU KNOW IT.

Those that blab on about things on TV shows and numb our brains while a few of you

plan your next moves in Bilderberg meetings and in luxury, thinking you are fooling

and leading the world, enslaving the mankind and holding on to ultimate control. But

in reality, all you do is fool yourselves, there are no OTHERS, so you are doing

wrong not to others, but to your very own children. You know that there is more to

life than the soil and the sky, you do know that what we hold and have within is

LIMITLESS! You also know that there is no you and me, we are ONE, we are not

seperate. Not just in words, not just in these characters you are reading from your

PC monitor or printed A4, stop reading and FEEL, NOW. Not just you, we all have been

thinking too much but feel too little, until now. You will stop being mad and bring

an end to this chain of hatred and fear, right this very moment. Get out of your sky

scrapers, mansions, underground vaults or wherever you are, and try to SEE around

you. Don't just look and pity at those you look at, think of what you and your

ancestors have done to them and SEE why you hate them, and acknowledge the potential

in them, and think how it could be on earth, without all this madness.

I am not to be lead and am free, not because I want my freedom from those that

imprison me and my peers, I am FREE, only because the reality is as it is from the

blink of an eye to eternity, the truth can not be imprisoned or killed or massacred,

no matter what you do to matter, the truth behind that matter will always be, the

soul and the source is always true, and shall always be free. Freedom can not be

given, it can not even be taken, not by force nor by rights, because in reality,

everyone and everything is free, the slave and the slaver, the killer and his

victim, the alpha and the omega, we are all free, and we all love one another, and

love is the real source of all creation and being. The truth is to see it for one's

self. As humanity, all we need to do is to wake up from our sleep, stop watching

TV's while the prime time of our life is calling to be heard, and yawn and look at

the time and say "it is time to see, not only look and not see, nor go back to bed

and snooze the alarm clock, but actually get up and see what is there for ourselves,

who we really are, and how MAD we have been for the past thousands of years". This

is true not only for the puppeteers, the non-elected and self preserved masters of

the earth, the melancholic dreamers of the new world order, but also to us who have

been "puppetised" for so long, and not to be enslaved anymore.

YOU are refusing to be the fascists you become, and to maintain total control to all

that you have looked at, but not seen, because now; YOU SEE the truth and the

reality and acknowledge the beauty within the life, and YOU too, LOVE not only your

family and the ones you are alike, but every one and all, for all the ethernity. The

change is HERE and NOW, LOVE is here right now for us to embrace, and WE ALL are

embracing it with passion and compassion. We are FREE, thanks to you, thanks to me,

and thanks to US as a collective body, mind and soul!

Friday 21 November 2008

True reason why Hemp was illegalized

"In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp. This single resource could have created millions of new jobs generating thousands of quality products. Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression.

William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst's grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.

In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont's Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of Dupont's business.

Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont's primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America.

Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont's primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: 'marihuana' and pushed it into the consciousness of America.


Friday 14 November 2008

Kimyasal izler (Chemtrails)'in gizemi

Gunesli bir gunde sokakta yururken hic basinizi kaldirip gokyuzune baktinizmi? Son zamanlarda bulutlarin artik yillar onceki alisilagelmis oruntusunde olmadigini, o eski kalin ve pamuk yumagina benzer bembeyaz bulutlarin yerini yer yer ince ve tul perdesine benzer bir yapiya biraktigini fark ettiniz mi? Peki ya seyir irtifasinda ucan ucaklarin, eskiden hemen yokolan ince beyaz bir iz birakirken son yillarda kalin ve bir ufuktan digerine kadar uzanmasina ragmen saatlerce yokolmayan, ve genelde birbirini dik kesen yada paralel bircok cizgi seklinde bir sehrin ustu benzeri genis alanlari kapladigini, ve bu cizgilerin birkac saat icerisinde genis bir alana yayilip o bulut zannettiginiz tul perde kivamindaki ince fakat genis beyaz gokyuzu ortulerini ordugunu gozlemleyeniniz varmi aranizda?

Kimyasal izlerin sadik arastiricilari aktivistler ve komplo teorisyenlerinin yetkililere yonelttigi "gunumuzde seyir irtifasinda ucan ucaklarin egzoz izleri neden artik daha kalici ve genelde bribirini dik kesen cizgiler halinde genis alanlari kaplayan bir yapida oldugu" sorusuna verilen standard cevap, ucaklarin eski tip yakittan gunumuzun cevre dostu biyoyakita gecis yapmis olmalari ve bu yakit tipinin egzoz edilen atik kismininsa gokyuzunde daha uzun kalmasidir. Tabiki bir cok resmi aciklama gibi, bu tip aciklamalar da tamamen ani kurtarmaya yonelik olup, bilimsel gercekleri yansitmamaktadir.

Simdiye kadarki arastirmalarimda, kimyasal iz komplosuna yanitim genellikle, "elitist global depopulasyon hareketi" planlari cercevesinde yapilan kitlesel zehirleme idi. Son arastirmalarim sonucu, bu komplo teorisinin ispati sayilacak sasirtici bulgulara rastladim. Bunlari aciklamadan once, daha once elitist globallesme konseptini duymamis olanlara global depopulasyon planini basit bicimde aciklamak isterim.

Dunyanin dogal kaynaklari ve cevresel yapisinin gunumuz dunya populasyon sayisi olan 6.5 milyar civari insan a yetismeyecegi ongorusunde bulunan, ve yaklasik 100-150 yildir ekonomik resesyon ve herturlu piyasa dengesini ve para sirkulasyonunu; dunya ulkelerinin merkez bankalari ve hazinelerinin belli bir yuzdesinin yonetimini elinde bulundurarak adeta bir kukla oyunu oynatircasina yoneten elit kesimin, yillardir yaptigi planlar cercevesinde, dunya populasyonunu 500 milyon civarina indirmek icin pek cok plan yapmislardir.

Bu elitist hareketle ilgili ileride daha baska makalelerim olacaktir, fakat simdilik kimyasal iz konusuna donmek gerekirse, bu konudaki bulgularimi sizlerle paylasmak isterim.
Internette surdurdugum arastirmalarim sirasinda; Welsbach seeding, yani Welsbach (ozel isim) tohumlamasi adi altinda, Amerika birlesik devletleri'nden "Hughes Aircraft Company" 'e ait 1990 yilinda cikarilan bir patente rastladim. Bu patentin iceriginde bahsedilen, sera gazlari sebebi ile gerceklesen ve "greenhouse" efekti sonucu dile gelen global isinmayi geri cevirebilecek bir metod ve bu metodun "potansiyel" uygulama sekilleridir. Kisaca global isinmanin sebebi, atmosferde biriken ve yercekimi sebebi ile uzaya dagilamayan "isiyi hapsedici ozellikteki gazlarin", gunes isinlarina transparan olmasi fakat yeryuzunden yayilan uzun dalga boyu kizil otesi radyasyonu abzorbe etmesidir.
"Stratosferik Welsbach tohumlamasi" metodunda aciklanan ise, bu gazlarin bulundugu stratosfer katmanina yuksek salim gucune ve dusuk yansimaya sahip "Welsbach materyalleri" ve metal oksidleri tohumlamaktan ibarettir.
Bu yontemin teklif edilen uygulama bicimi ise, gundelik ticari ucus rotasinda seyir eden dunyadaki TUM ucaklarin kullandigi yakitlara, patentte bahsi gecen Welsbach materyalleri ve metal oksidlerinin eklenmesi, ve stratosfer duzeyinde olan standard ucus yuksekligine ulasan her ucagin bu materyalleri otomatik olarak seyir halinde atmosfere birakmasidir. Bu konseptin patentinin 1990 yilinda cikmis olmasi ve "kimyasal iz komplo teorisi" 'nin son birkac yildir gundeme gelmis olmasindan yola cikarak, bu patentin uygulama asamasina gecmesi icin yaklasik 10-15 yillik bir hazirlik donemi gectigi ve gunumuzde uygulandigi kanaatindeyim.
Aranizda "ne var bunda, ne guzel iste global isinmaya cozum sunmus adamlar" diyenleri duyar gibiyim. Sizce madem adamlar bu kadar hayirli bir is yapiyor, nicin bunu kamu oyuna aciklamiyorlar? Aranizda takdir etmeden once, atmosfere birakilan Welsbach materyallerinin yada daha basiti metal oksidlerin iceriginin ne oldugunu arastiranlar var ise duyarliliklarindan dolayi onlara tesekkur ediyorum. Bu uygulamayla ilgili kisisel gorusum ise tek bir soruda kilitleniyor, global isinmanin gerceklik derecesi. Bilim dunyasini ikiye bolen global isinma, sadece medya destekli bir bogus habermidir yoksa gercekten varmidir. Kutuplardaki karlarin erimesi bazi bilim adamlarina gore, dunyanin kutuplarinin degismesi ve egiklik derecesinin sapmasi sebebiyle gerceklesmektedir. Her iki tez de yuzde yuz kanitlanmis degildir. Eger global isinma gercek ise bile, bu hicbir sekilde buyuk titizlik ve gizlilik cercevesinde atmosfere aluminium ve benzeri metallerin, insanlar tarafindan solundugu duyuldugunda buyuk bir saglik skandalina neden olabilecek duzeyde tohumlanmasini hakli cikartacak bir arguman degildir. Kisisel kanaatime gore, bu islem gunumuzde dramatik bicimde artan kanser oranina ve yeni cikan pek cok hastaliga sebep olmaktadir.
Bir sonraki makalemde gorusunceye dek, saglikli ve dengeli kalmaniz dilegi ile, sevgiyle kalin.

This analyst says there’s a “high chance” Bitcoin may never fall under $5k again @cryptoslate #Analysis #Price Watch

Once Bitcoin (BTC) started to incur strong losses in the second half of 2019, analysts were once again making extremely low price prediction...