Monday, 30 December 2019

IOTA halt reinforces a tangle of problems @TheBlock__ #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency #Op-Ed #DAG #DLT #iota #Ledger #miota #network halt

Quick Take

  • IOTA halted for more than 15 hours as the centralized coordinator node encountered a serious bug, which was described as a “minor issue”
  • This recent incident reinforces that IOTA is a bug...

    Quick Take

    • IOTA halted for more than 15 hours as the centralized coordinator node encountered a serious bug, which was described as a “minor issue”
    • This recent incident reinforces that IOTA is a buggy centralized ledger that 100% relies on one party
    • IOTA will never be mass adopted and the ledger will continue fading into irrelevance

    This research piece is available to members of The Block Genesis. You can continue reading this Genesis research on The Block.

    source Block/iota-halt-reinforces-a-tangle-ofproblems-5e09d2216acb1de95d0c2986

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